The Top Foods That Promote Hair Growth & Health | Rennora Beauty

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Foods That Promote Healthy Hair Growth in Black Adults

Many people, especially as they become older, struggle to grow thick and healthy hair. We avoid using dangerous chemicals in our hair care products, get frequent trims, and massage our scalp regularly, but our strands sometimes feel like they’ve been locked at the same length for years.

The African American hair growth rate is about 0.5 inches (1.25 cm) each month and 6 inches (15 cm) per year. Age, health, genetics, and food all influence how quickly hair grows. And while part of hair growth is genetics, you don't just have to come to terms with hair loss or hair fall. You can do something about it. Chances are, your diet is not optimized for hair growth.

Eating a well-balanced diet rich in essential nutrients can help promote hair growth, particularly if you’re suffering from hair loss as a result of poor nutrition.

Knowing which vitamins and nutrients are necessary for healthy hair growth helps determine the ideal diets. Consuming meals high in vitamin C, E, D, biotin, and zinc, for example, can help with hair growth.

But what foods contain all this?

If you came here hoping to discover foods that promote healthy hair growth in black adults, you're in luck. That's exactly what we're going to discuss below. Keep reading to find the best foods that promote black hair growth!

Which Nutrients are in Foods That Promote Hair Growth?

Before we actually discuss the specific foods that promote hair growth, we need to talk about the key nutrients that support hair growth. After all, foods are just made up of nutrients. By understanding the individual compounds that play the biggest role in foods that promote hair growth, you can start to feel more confident heading to the grocery store.

All of this to say, hair growth is aided by a variety of nutrients, including:

  • Biotin: It is a B vitamin that can help in hair growth and become stronger.

  • Vitamin D: its potent antioxidant activity aids in the reduction of oxidative stress in the scalp, which has been linked to alopecia.

  • Iron: hair loss has been linked to an iron shortage

  • Vitamin C: it helps your body absorb iron which promotes good hair health.

  • Omega-3 fatty acids: their anti-inflammatory properties can offset any inflammation that is causing hair loss

All of these nutrients share a few common traits: they are anti-inflammatory by nature and strengthen cells all at once. These two characteristics support hair growth.

And while you can certainly opt for a multivitamin containing all these essentials, getting nutrients through raw food is superior - especially when looking to support hair growth. So, with that said, let's take a look at the best foods that promote healthy hair growth in black adults. Keep reading to find out!

The Best Foods That Promote Healthy Hair Growth in Black Adults

Eat nutrient-rich foods that are scientifically shown to help your hair—and avoid those that only harm it—to influence its thickness, promote hair growth or lessen shedding, luster, and even the likelihood of greying.

Compare this list of the best foods for hair growth to what you already have in your cupboard and use it to plan your next grocery trip. Also, don’t forget to include some protein when eating these fruits and vegetables!


The value of eggs in your daily diet cannot be overstated. While its application to the hair is healthy, the egg yolk contains biotin, folate, vitamins A and D, and helps your hair fight damage. It’s been dubbed a “superfood” to promote hair growth.

Keratin is a structural protein found in hair, and consuming it can provide additional nutrients for your hair’s health. Biotin helps to break down protein into amino acids, which are the building blocks of hair.

Biotin is required to create keratin, a hair protein, which is why biotin pills are frequently sold as hair growth supplements. Biotin supplementation has also been found to promote hair growth in persons who are deficient in the vitamin.

Biotin deficiency is rare in those who eat a well-balanced diet. There is minimal evidence that ingesting additional biotin benefits healthy people.

Eggs are also high in zinc, selenium, and other hair-nourishing elements. As a result, they’re one of the most incredible meals to eat for good hair.

Almond butter

Almond butter has a variety of elements that have been related to hair health, including protein, healthy fats, and certain vitamins. Researchers claim that the vitamin E component in the nuts is particularly beneficial for keeping your hair strong and shiny.

According to a small eight-month study published in the journal Tropical Life Sciences Research, participants who supplemented daily with 100 milligrams of vitamin E had a 34 percent boost in hair growth.

Vitamin E is nearly 3.87 milligrams in a tablespoon of almond butter. A daily allowance of 15 milligrams of Vitamin E is suggested, so almond butter will get you there, especially if you eat more than one tablespoon.

You don’t care for almond butter? Almonds in their natural state will also aid. According to the National Institutes of Health, almonds are one of the top dietary sources of vitamin E. One-third of your daily value for fat-soluble vitamin E is found in an ounce of dry roasted almonds.


Tangerines have a significant impact on your hair growth and prevent hair loss. Their high vitamin C concentration aids in absorbing iron, which can be found in foods such as red meat and spinach. According to a study published in the Journal of Korean Medical Science, iron deficiency has been related to hair loss, so make sure you get enough. Vitamin C-rich foods will also aid in the absorption of iron.


Healthy fats are vital for hair health. Because our bodies cannot create omega-3 fatty acids on their own, we must obtain them from our food.

Omega-3 fatty acids are anti-inflammatory and stimulate the dermal papilla cells of hair follicles, which govern hair growth, in addition to nourishing hair follicles and giving strands that strong, bright, lustrous glow.

Avocados are a good source of this, as well as vitamins E and B. (s). Make a smoothie or salad with them in the morning.


Salmon is a fatty fish that is high in omega-3 fatty acids, which have a wide range of health advantages.

Omega-3 fatty acids not only keep you fit and disease-free, but they also help you develop hair and keep it lustrous and full. Both male-pattern baldness and female hair loss are frequently linked to insulin resistance, according to nutritionist Dr. Joseph Debé, CD, CDN. Salmon is one food that aids in the proper processing of insulin by the body.

Salmon and other fatty seafood are also high in vitamin D, which stimulates follicle growth. Vitamin D may also help awaken dormant hair follicles, according to a study published in The Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. To put it another way, there’s evidence that the nutrient can help prevent hair loss and even baldness.


Berries are high in antioxidants and vitamins that may help with hair development.

Vitamin C, for example, has potent antioxidant effects.

Antioxidants can help protect hair follicles from damage caused by free radicals, which are destructive chemicals. These compounds can be found in the human body and the environment.

One cup (144 grams) of strawberries, for example, delivers 141 percent of your daily vitamin C requirements.

Vitamin C is also used by the body to make collagen, a protein that helps thicken hair and keep it from becoming brittle and breaking.

Furthermore, vitamin C helps in the absorption of iron from the food. Anemia, which has been linked to hair loss, can be caused by low iron levels.


Spinach is high in nutrients and minerals that are good for both your hair and your general health.

This is one of the essential plant-based sources of iron, and it also contains nutrients like folate and vitamins A and C, which are all beneficial to healthy hair growth. Vitamin E and iron are also present. Vitamin A is also necessary for sebum synthesis, which controls the amount of oil in the scalp.

A cup (30 grams) of spinach can supply up to 54% of your daily vitamin A requirements.

Spinach is also a good source of iron, which is necessary for hair development. Iron aids growth and repair by assisting red blood cells in transporting oxygen throughout the body to fuel metabolism.

Furthermore, hair loss has been connected to iron deficiency.

Sweet Potatoes

Beta-carotene is abundant in sweet potatoes. The body converts this molecule into vitamin A, which is associated with healthy hair.

A medium sweet potato (114 grams) has enough beta-carotene to provide your daily vitamin A requirements four times.

Vitamin A also boosts the production of sebum, which helps to keep hair healthy, according to research.


Nuts are high in a variety of elements that promote hair growth. Nuts have a high amount of zinc. Walnuts, cashews, and almonds all contain zinc, which is beneficial to hair. Walnuts are also high in alpha-linolenic acid and omega-3 fatty acids, which can aid to condition hair naturally.

Nuts are tasty, convenient, and packed with nutrients that may aid hair development.

An ounce (28 grams) of almonds, for example, offers 37% of your daily vitamin E requirements.

In addition, they include a range of B vitamins, zinc, and vital fatty acids. Hair loss has been linked to a lack of any of these nutrients.

Aside from hair development, nuts have been linked to a range of other health benefits, including reduced inflammation and a lower risk of heart disease.

As a result, nuts are an excellent and simple addition to your diet.

Greek yogurt

Have you ever noticed what appears on the top of practically every antique Greek statue? A wavy mop of thick, abundant hair. Is it a creative decision?

Perhaps. Perhaps it’s because of the thick, protein-rich yogurt that Greeks and other civilizations have consumed for centuries. Vitamin B5 (also known as pantothenic acid) is found in Greek yogurt, and B vitamins can help you maintain healthy skin and hair.

Greek yogurt is a strategic addition to your daily snack or breakfast rotation in the interest of strong, lusciously long hair, as it is high in protein and vital vitamins and minerals like zinc (one cup has roughly one and a half milligrams). For an upgrade, toss in a handful of berries and a pinch of chia seeds, and go for plain, organic, grass-fed yogurt.


Seeds provide a lot of nutrients for a small number of calories. Many of these nutrients may also help you grow your hair. Vitamin E, zinc, and selenium are among them.

Sunflower seeds contain nearly half of your daily vitamin E needs, as well as a variety of hair-healthy B vitamins, just one ounce (28 grams).

Furthermore, some seeds, such as flaxseeds and chia seeds, contain omega-3 fatty acids.

Flaxseeds contain 6,388 mg of omega-3 fatty acids in a 1-ounce (28-gram) intake. That’s more omega-3 fatty acids than a half-fillet of salmon (178 grams).

On the other hand, Flaxseeds have a form of omega-3 fatty acid that isn’t as well absorbed by the body as omega-3s found in fatty fish. Regardless, it’s a fantastic supplement to any diet.

It’s best to ingest a range of seeds to acquire the most variety of nutrients.

Sweet Peppers

Sweet peppers are high in vitamin C, which promotes hair growth.

A yellow pepper has approximately 5.5 times the vitamin C content of an orange.

Vitamin C aids in the formation of collagen, which strengthens your hair strands. It’s also a powerful antioxidant that can help preserve hair strands from oxidative damage.

When free radicals exceed the body’s antioxidant defense mechanism, oxidative stress ensues. It has been linked to hair thinning and greying.

Additionally, sweet peppers are a good source of vitamin A.

This vitamin may help in hair growth while also boosting sebum production, which keeps hair healthy.


Papaya, like citrus, is high in vitamin C, which is good for hair and protects collagen. 86.5 mg of vitamin A may be found in just one cup of diced fruit. Papaya is abundant in fiber and carotenoids, both of which are beneficial to hair and scalp health.

Papaya’s vitamin A can benefit your hair by assisting your scalp in producing sebum, which nourishes, strengthens, and protects your hair.

The nutrients in papaya, according to studies, help to prevent baldness. Hair thinning can be reduced by eating fruit at least three times a week.


Barley, known as the “King of Cereals,” improves blood flow to the scalp by boosting the number of red blood cells and is suggested by experts as a hair-growth meal.

It can also be used to restore the hair’s original color. The benefit of barley is that it may enhance the flavor of a range of soups and curries.


Soybean effectively reduces the production of the hormone dihydrotestosterone, which is linked to hair loss when it is out of balance.

It’s also high in manganese, omega three fatty acids, and vitamins, making it an ideal diet for hair development. Soy is also responsible for synthesizing Hyaluronic Acid, a natural moisturizer that is excellent for the scalp.

Want to Supercharge Your Hair Care Regimen Beyond Just Foods that Promote Hair Growth in Black Adults?

There you have it - the top foods that promote hair growth in African American women and men alike. By simply adding these foods to your diet, you'll be amazed at the changes you see over time. Just be sure to stick to your diet for at least 4-6 months before making any other changes. You need to give your body time. After all, the hair growth cycle doesn't happen overnight!

But, beyond just adding foods that promote hair growth to your diet, what can you do to encourage faster hair growth and better hair health?

Develop a Hair Care Regimen

First, learn how to take care of natural black hair. Developing a well-optimized black hair regimen for growth will entail finding new shampoo, conditioner, and other products. There is all kinds of stuff in shampoo that causes hair loss - and many don't realize that every time they wash their hair, they're creating chaos at the scalp.

Similarly, you should consider how often you wash your black hair for growth. Too frequently and you'll dry your scalp out. Not enough and the product build-up will contribute to scalp irritation and hair loss or hair shed. Neither of these is ideal.

Invest in a Quality Hair Serum for Black Women

Do you wish you could replace those balding, thin areas with thick, luscious locks? While these tips we've shared so far are a great start, you also need the best products for African American hair growth. And here at Rennora Beauty, that's exactly what you'll find.

Two weeks with our Rennora Hair Growth Serum, and women with type 3 and type 4 hair have seen incredible results!

To stimulate hair growth in women of color, this natural treatment includes a unique blend of antique organic herbs and natural vitamins to activate your hair follicles and get your hair growing again, wherever it is having trouble.

Women have hair growth for the first time in decades and are thrilled.

Even though you’ve tossed out your old shampoo and replaced it with a natural alternative, you can’t grow your long, luscious hair until you’ve added our serum to your daily routine.

Are you ready for your hair to grow beyond your wildest dreams? Head over to our website to learn more - you'll be glad you did!

Final Thoughts on the Foods that Promote Hair Growth in Black Adults

There you have it - the top foods that promote healthy hair growth. We hope this resource has helps you transform the state of your hair once and for all. Remember, though - despite how important. your diet is to support healthy hair, it's just one piece of the puzzle.

You also need a fine-tuned hair care regimen that consists of the best products. And for those, you can look no further than Rennora Beauty. We can't wait to play a role in your healthiest, most beautiful hair yet - and add you to our arsenal of success stories!