How to Make African American Hair Softer | Rennora Beauty

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How to Make African American Hair Softer

While black hair is naturally coarse and dry, that doesn’t mean that softening black hair is impossible. That’s why today, we’re going to teach you how to make African American hair softer so you can overhaul your hair care regimen and cultivate silky, luscious locks you’re proud to show off!

Below, you’ll gain insights into what can help you soften your hair as well as what you should avoid doing if you are sick of dry, coarse hair. The best part? Many of these tips are going to do more than simply soften up your hair. They’ll also help you improve your hair health in general and eliminate hair fall while increasing new hair growth.

Before we share our favorite tips for softening natural black hair, let’s talk about why your hair is so dry in the first place.  

Why Natural Black Hair is so Dry

Chances are, you’re already somewhat familiar with how black hair is different from white hair. If not, we encourage you to read our guide on the topic. But just know this: your hair strands are coarser and more tightly coiled than those of your white friends - and even your Asian friends.

First off, African American hair comes in various textures and curl patterns, ranging from wavy to super curly or coily. Our curls are fabulous, but they can make it more challenging for our hair's natural oils, called sebum, to travel down the hair shaft. Sebum, produced by our scalp, is crucial for keeping our hair moisturized and protected. But due to the twists and turns in our curly hair, sebum struggles to make its way from the scalp to the ends, leaving our hair more susceptible to dryness.

Another factor is our hair's unique structure. Each strand of our hair is made up of three layers: the cuticle (the outer layer), the cortex (the middle layer), and the medulla (the inner layer). The cuticle is like our hair's protective armor, made up of overlapping cells. In African American hair, the cuticle tends to be more raised and porous, which can allow moisture to escape more easily, leading to dryness.

Our hair's elasticity also plays a role. Elasticity refers to the hair's ability to stretch and return to its original shape without breaking. Healthy hair should have a certain level of elasticity, but due to our hair's unique structure, it can be more prone to breakage and damage, especially when it's dry.

Additionally, our hair is more sensitive to external factors like harsh chemicals, heat, and environmental conditions. These elements can strip our hair of its natural moisture, making it even drier and more prone to damage.

So, you see, our natural black hair is a beautiful and intricate masterpiece, but its unique characteristics can make it more susceptible to dryness. By understanding the nature of our hair and giving it the tender loving care it needs, we can maintain its health, softness, and undeniable fabulousness. Before we teach you how to make African American hair softer, let’s discuss whether or not softening black hair is even possible…

Is Softening Black Hair Possible?

Dry hair isn’t just tougher to manage…it’s more prone to breakage and damage. And let’s face it…it just looks bad! So, is softening black hair possible - or are you stuck as a victim to your genetics?

No - if you’re willing to add a few minutes to your hair care regimen a day, you can make your dream hair a reality. It’s a lot easier than you think - and below, we’ve outlined the steps standing between you and the soft, supple hair you’ve always wanted!

How to Make African American Hair Softer

Ready to learn how to make African American hair softer? Our guide to softening natural black hair will have you feeling confident and capable in how to take care of natural black hair. The more of these tips you follow, the softer your hair will be. It’s really that simple! 

Let’s start with an easy addition to your black hair care regimen for growth: drinking enough water!

Quench Your Hair's Thirst with Hydration

You know how good it feels to take a refreshing sip of water on a hot day? That's exactly how your hair feels when it's properly hydrated. 

Drinking enough water is vital for your overall health and the well-being of your luscious locks. So, aim for those 8 glasses of water a day, and your hair will reward you with softness and shine from within. And frankly, this is just good life advice - dehydration has serious consequences, and so few people drink enough water every day!

Reassess Your Washing Habits

Washing your hair sounds so simple - it’s something you’ve done since your first big girl shower. And yet, so many individuals are doing more harm than good with their washing habits! Whether it be the result of harsh, drying shampoos or excessive washing - or perhaps both. So - we encourage you to read our articles covering how often to wash black hair and stuff in shampoo that causes hair loss

We recommend shooting for 1-2 washes a week at most and avoiding any shampoo products that contain harsh drying ingredients like silicones, parabens, alcohol, fragrances, etc. Then, reassess your washing habits and you’ll be amazed at how much healthier and happier your hair feels to the touch!  

Pre-shampoo treatments, or "pre-poos," are another fantastic way to protect your hair from the potentially drying effects of shampoo. Using oils or conditioners before shampooing creates a barrier that helps retain your hair's natural moisture. It's like a secret weapon in your quest for softer hair. But, there is obviously a much more proactive approach you can take to moisturizing your locks…

Shower Your Hair with Moisture

Just like your favorite moisturizer keeps your skin soft and supple, a water-based leave-in conditioner, hair lotion, or cream can do the same for your natural hair. Be generous with your moisturizing products, especially on those split ends that need extra love. Your hair will drink it up, and you'll feel like you're giving your tresses a luxurious spa treatment.

In terms of what products to use, look for a water-based treatment. Next, check for natural oils like coconut, olive, or jojoba oil. They'll seal in moisture and nourish your hair. Don't forget about hair-loving butters like shea, mango, or cocoa butter, which add extra softness. 

Ingredients like glycerin, honey, or aloe vera (called humectants) are great because they help attract and retain moisture. Proteins like hydrolyzed silk or keratin can strengthen your hair and make it more elastic. Of course, avoid harsh chemicals like sulfates, silicones, and parabens. 

After washing your hair, gently squeeze out excess water with a microfiber towel or cotton T-shirt. Apply a generous amount of leave-in conditioner to your damp hair, focusing on the ends and any dry areas. You can use your fingers or a wide tooth comb to distribute it evenly. 

You can learn more about the importance of moisturizing in our article on how to treat dry scalp in African American hair. But let’s take things a step further. Once you’ve added moisture to the scalp, you need to lock it in…

Seal Your Hair's Destiny with Natural Oils and Butters

Now that you've showered your hair with moisture, it's time to seal the deal. Natural oils like coconut, olive, or avocado oil and butters like shea or mango butter are perfect for locking in that moisture, ensuring your hair stays soft and protected. It's like wrapping your hair in a warm, nurturing hug that lasts all day.

To make all of this easy, you can rely on Rennora Beauty’s hair growth serum: which is considered among the best products that grow African American hair. It contains a powerful blend of ancient herbs and essential oils that not only trap in moisture and help you achieve your softest hair yet. But, these ingredients also curb hair loss and can help you regrow bald patches in African American hair

Just head over to our product page and see the results firsthand. We’re confident you’ll want to try it yourself after seeing what women like you have accomplished using it. And with a 90-day money-back guarantee, what do you have to lose?

Undertake Regular Deep Conditioning Treatments

Every time you get your hair wet, you should follow up with the conditioning treatment we described above. But if you really want to do whatever it takes as far as softening black hair, you need to take things even a step further. That’s where deep conditioning treatments come in.

Think of deep conditioning as your hair's best friend, the one that's always there to support and nourish. Every two weeks, treat your hair to a deep conditioning session, and let those rich, hydrating ingredients work their magic. Your hair will thank you for it, feeling softer, stronger, and ready to take on the world.

Protect Your Hair with Low-Manipulation Hairstyles

Black hairstyles are part of what makes our hair so unique - but unfortunately, these can put a lot of unnecessary stress on your scalp and the hair strands themselves. Tight braids and locs may be the norm for you, but consider making a chance for the sake of softer, healthier hair.

You can try loose braids or a bun and see how that works for you. These protective styles reduce the need for daily styling, giving your hair a chance to rest and maintain its softness. Plus, they're stylish and versatile, making them perfect for any occasion.

Similarly, you should turn down the heat to protect your hair further. What we mean by this is to give your hair a break from heat-styling tools like flat irons or curling wands. These can rob your hair of its natural moisture, making it dry and brittle. So, give your hair some time off from the heat, and watch it flourish in all its soft, natural glory.

Embrace the Power of Cold Water

There’s nothing like the feeling of hot water against your skin - but what if we told you that embracing the power of cold water could help you along your journey to softening natural black hair? 

It’s true. As uncomfortable as it may be, cold water helps seal the hair cuticle, locking in moisture and promoting softness. Your final rinse after a deep conditioning treatment or even when removing your leave-in conditioner should be with cold water. 

Trim Those Ends to Keep Your Hair in Check

Split ends can be a real party crasher when it comes to soft, healthy hair. Keep them at bay by trimming your ends regularly, preventing further damage, and maintaining your hair's softness. Trust us, your hair will feel renewed and rejuvenated with each trim. Our complete guide on how to trim African American split ends is a must-read if you’re not sure where to start!

Lock in Moisture at Night

You spend (hopefully) 8 hours a night asleep, with your head resting peacefully upon your pillow. And chances are, you perform some of your haircare at night - like using the powerful hair-growth serum we’ve developed here at Rennora Beauty. 

So - it’s key that you lock in that moisture and those hair-growing ingredients at night using a silk bonnet. You can wrap your hair up and prevent moisture from escaping. After a few weeks of this, you’ll be amazed at how much softer and more supple your hair feels!

Wrapping Up Our Guide on How to Make African American Hair Softer

We hope you feel more confident in how to make African American hair softer after reading this detailed guide. We’ve empowered you with 9 steps to softening black hair - and now it’s time for you to start rethinking your hair care regimen with all these tips in mind!

Before you go out and take action on what we’ve taught you today, consider learning more about how to best take care of your beautiful black hair. Our blog has additional resources on topics like - how fast does black hair grow, the best day to cut hair for growth, how to regrow bald patches in African American hair, scalp eczema black hair care tips, how to keep African American hair from frizzing in humidity, and a whole lot more!

Rennora Beauty is your trusted source for all things healthy African American hair - we don’t just have these helpful blog posts to guide you along this journey. We also have the products you need to make your soft, supple dream hair a reality. So what are you waiting for? Now that you know how to make African American hair softer, get started softening natural black hair today!