Benefits of Turmeric for Hair Growth – Rennora Beauty

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Benefits of Turmeric for Hair Growth

As your shedding worsens, and you struggle to regrow anything but peach fuzz on your scalp, one thing you may not have turned to yet is turmeric for hair growth.

This sounds like it could be out of left field - can this magic little herb really halt hair loss, or even restore your hairline altogether?

This is a hotly debated topic - some swear that this is one of the most potent superfoods you can add to your diet if you're on a hair-regrowth journey. Others have claimed to have tried it themselves with no luck.

We'll cut through all the nonsense and look at some real, verified studies regarding turmeric for hair loss, and we'll examine its potential for regrowth as well.

Then, you'll discover how to actually use it for the best results. We've got a lot to cover so we aren't going to waste any more time.

What Is Turmeric?

Turmeric is an ancient herb with all sorts of healing capabilities. It contains an assortment of bioactive compounds which have powerful healing & medicinal properties.

Most often, turmeric is sought out for its anti-inflammatory benefits. It can help neutralize free radicals in the body while promoting a healthy inflammatory process.

While you may only know of this spice as the yellow coloring in curry, it can be used for a myriad of ailments - one of which may be hair loss.

Before we get into the research, we want to highlight a few compounds within turmeric that make it so special - known as curcuminoids.

Curcumin: The Compound Responsible For Turmerics Healing Capabilities

Curcuminoids are a family of compounds found in turmeric, but the most important of these is curcumin.

In fact, curcumin is actually the main active ingredient in turmeric. So when you take turmeric for any sort of health purpose, you're usually after the curcumin in it.

Not only does curcumin boast some of the most impressive anti-inflammatory capabilities, but it's also an awesome antioxidant.

Why are these two benefits so important as it pertains to hair fall & regrowth? Let's take a look at the primary causes of poor hair health.

Two Of The Primary Causes Of Hair Loss - Inflammation & Toxic Blood

So many people are under the impression that hair loss is genetic - or just part of life.

This couldn't be further from the truth. There are two underlying conditions that most commonly result in hair fall - inflammation & toxic blood.

Inflammation in the scalp can be caused by a lot of different things - but whatever the case, an inflamed scalp will show significant hair fall, and will not be able to exhibit regrowth.

Now, let's shift our focus to toxic blood - typically the result of free radicals wreaking havoc throughout our system.

This can be caused anytime impurities enter your bloodstream - such as heavy metals, alcohol, etc. Either way, these impurities will interfere with your scalp's ability to regrow hair. They interrupt the anagen phase, which is where hair is regrown.

Can Turmeric Help Hair Growth?

So, with all that said, can turmeric help hair growth? The answer is yes - here is why.

We can surmise that solving hair fall and regrowing your hairline depends on your ability to eliminate excess inflammation and free radicals throughout your body.

And we now know that curcumin - the main active ingredient in turmeric - may be able to solve both of these issues, restoring balance to your scalp and encouraging hair regrowth!

Studies Examining Turmeric As An Option For Hair Growth

But, you don't just need to take our word for it. We're going to take a deep dive into studies looking at this incredible herb as a catalyst for hair growth.

Turmeric vs Minoxidil In Hair Loss/Regrowth

We're going to start our research off with a study published in The Journal Of Dermatologcal Treatment. Scientists looked at Curcumin's ability to inhibit male pattern baldness and reverse its effects. It was a double-blind, randomized placebo-controlled study.

Minoxidil is perhaps the most mainstream topical used in hair regrowth regimens, and at this time, is really the only FDA-approved product. That said, it is not without problems of its own. There is a laundry list of potential side effects associated with consistent use of Minoxidil, not the least of which is cancer.

So, it stands to reason that finding a natural, safe replacement for Minoxidil is of the utmost importance. Enter this study.

Researchers "evaluated the efficacy of 5% hexane extract of Curcuma aeruginosa, a botanically derived inhibitor of 5α-reductase and 5% minoxidil in the treatment of androgenetic alopecia." 87 different men suffering from this condition were randomized, and given either:

  • 5% Curcuma aeruginosa
  • 5% Minoxidol
  • A combination of the two

A Summary Of Findings

Results were incredibly promising. All three groups showed a significant halt in hair fall over the course of the study. The greatest results came from the combination of compounds, showing a synergistic relationship between the two.

With that said, there was also noteworthy hair regrowth in the 5% C. aeruginosa group. While more research is needed, this is incredibly promising for turmeric as a hair regrowth mechanism.

A Study Showing How Exactly Turmeric Halts Hair Loss & Restores Growth To The Scalp

A similar study was published in the Journal of Drugs In Dermatology. Here, the focus was on finding a solution for hair loss without all the negative side effects and health risks associated with mainstream hair loss treatment - such as minoxidil and finasteride (a prescription pill for hair loss/regrowth).

On top of exhibiting anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, turmeric has shown to also offer anti-carcinogenic, anti-diabetic, anti-coagulant, anti-microbial, hepatoprotective capabilities.

You can click through above and read the entire study as it's published, but it is pretty heavy on the scientific/medical terminology, and not the easiest read - so we're going to dumb down the study and its findings the best we can.

Turmeric Was Effective In Decreasing Hair Fall While Increasing Regrowth Rates

  • It was demonstrated that turmeric has the ability to counter inflammation throughout the body, including the specific types of inflammation that increase hair fall (and inhibit hair growth).
  • Researchers discovered that turmeric is actually a dual antioxidant! This means that not only does it scavenge up harmful free radicals and neutralize them - it also increases the production of endogenous antioxidant levels, which further equips your body to deal with free radicals.
  • Finally, it was shown that turmeric may even inhibit aberrant androgen receptor expression (AR expression). As it pertains to certain hair loss conditions like androgenic alopecia, overexpression of these receptors leads to hair loss and pattern baldness.

Other Benefits Of Using Turmeric Supplements In Your Daily Life

Aside from enhancing your skin health, what else can turmeric do to improve your lifestyle? Its been shown to have amazing results on your skin, for one.

That's right, you'll achieve a natural glowing look by adding this herb to your regimen. Furthermore, it can reduce acne scarring while treating psoriasis.

Turmeric has also been shown to have positive effects on your brain - improving brain function while actively decreasing the risk of brain diseases, including depression and Alzheimer’s disease.

Due to its anti-inflammatory benefits, it can also decrease the risk of heart disease, keeping your ticker working for the long haul.

Other benefits that show great promise, but need more research, including cancer prevention and treatment, arthritis management, and even improving gut health.

So, to tie it all together, yes - you can use turmeric for hair loss - the science supports it! The question now becomes, how do you actually use turmeric to stop hair loss and encourage regrowth?

How Do You Use Turmeric For Hair Growth?

There are two ways we've seen people try and use turmeric for hair growth - either by producing an oil and applying it topically, or consuming it orally and allowing it to work its way through your entire body.

There are pros and cons to each supplementation approach, and we'll weigh them all below. First though, we need to discuss the different types of turmeric supplements out there and help you choose the right product for you.

Your Turmeric Supplement Matters - Stick With Quality!

Whether you choose turmeric powder or turmeric paste, you need to go with a pure supplement. Anything less will be sure to generate dismal results.

This is because cheap, low-quality turmeric more often than not has imperfections in it. This will put you behind the 8-ball from the start, as you're actually going to end up putting more free radicals into your body that you have to fight!

So, make sure the product you are buying is 100% natural turmeric - and with that said, let's discuss the two different ways you can supplement with it.

Mix Turmeric Into A Tea & Drink It Nightly

By consuming turmeric orally, you won't just achieve the benefits it has to offer on your scalp - they will be felt throughout your entire body!

While this could limit its effects on your actual hair regrowth, there is plenty of evidence suggesting you will still see those effects using this approach.

You can choose your favorite tea, and mix in 1 teaspoon along with some of the other potent hair growth herbs out there - such as cinnamon, basil, rosemary, sage, etc.

You can drink this tea nightly, but even 3-5 times a week would be plenty. It isn't going to taste amazing, but when you see those tiny, dark hairs returning to your hairline, it will all be worth it!

How Do You Use Turmeric On Your Scalp?

Far and away the best option for hair regrowth is to use this compound on your scalp. This gets the anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties to work right where you need them most and helps interrupt that androgen receptors expression that can cause you grief.

Just like any topical you apply to your scalp in hopes of enhancing hair health, you should leave this on your scalp as long as possible. Give it time to dry before going to bed, otherwise, you'll risk it coming off on your pillowcase.

Like the tea, you'll want to mix in some other herbs to compliment it. Our list of the best herbs for hair growth & thickness is a great resource if you're looking for other herbs to compliment your formulation.

You also need to be sure that you're using a carrier oil, which will dilute the turmeric and prevent you from burning your scalp.

Tips To Increase Absorption & Efficacy

There are a few other ways you can increase the effectiveness of turmeric for hair growth. The best way is to increase circulation to your scalp.

Increasing blood circulation in the scalp helps your skin better absorb the topical you're applying. But more than just that, it will help transport the active ingredients in the topical throughout your scalp. This increased circulation also helps move out toxic, harmful chemicals.

This can be as simple as self-massaging your scalp or aggressively brushing the scalp - or you can take things a step further and get scalp massages or use a derma roller.

Are There Any Side Effects Of Using Turmeric To Stimulate Hair Growth?

The best part about using turmeric to stimulate hair growth is that it doesn't come with any of the negative side effects associated with mainstream supplements.

This means you don't have to sacrifice your long-term wellbeing in order to achieve the health benefits of turmeric, such as its anti-inflammatory properties.

With that said, try and stick to the guidelines we outlined above - if you're mixing in a tea, stick to 1 teaspoon a few times a week. If you're using turmeric paste or oil on your scalp, use a carrier oil, monitor your scalp health over the long term, etc.

Other Options Besides Turmeric For Hair Growth

Turmeric supplements are a great choice for restoring life to your hair follicles. We've outlined all the benefits of turmeric as it pertains to your hair health, and explained how you can safely go about using turmeric powder or paste for medicinal purposes.

With that said, turmeric is just one of many different options available to you. And it may not work for everyone to the same extent. Everyone's hair health is different, which is why you need products specifically formulated for you and your unique scalp.

We've formulated our Allurium Hair Growth Serum specifically for women of color who are struggling with dead hair follicles. If this sounds like you and you're looking to kick hair loss to the curb, check it out!

Final Thoughts On Using Turmeric For Natural Hair Regrowth

By now, you are well versed in just how powerful of an herb turmeric can be for natural hair regrowth. You know how nasty the side effects of traditional hair growth supplements can be, so why would you consider risking it?

And with all the health benefits turmeric offers to not just your hair follicles but also your immune system, joint health, and more, why would you not consider adding it to your regimen?

All that's left to do now is find a quality turmeric product and give it a try. Be sure to take detailed progress pictures and give this magical herb a full 90 days before judging its efficacy.