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How A Humiliating Sunday Brunch Led This Woman To Discover The

“Root Reactivation” Secret To

Getting Back Thick, Youthful Hair Like She Had In Her 20s

Discover why “Root Reactivation” is the key to fighting thin hair, and getting thicker, fuller, more youthful hair than ever… that has women half your age begging you for your hair growth secret

Just like these women…

Just like these women…

Over the next few minutes I’m going to tell you a humiliating true story about a Sunday brunch with my daughter…

It was the moment my hair loss hit “rock bottom”...

And everybody could tell…

See, three years ago I was under a ton of stress and it caused my hair to thin like crazy…

At first I thought nothing of it, thinking it would come back like it usually did, but this time, it didn’t...

What started as just a few hairs in my brush and in the shower quickly escalated to full blown shedding.

My biggest fear was that my thinning would continue to get worse, to the point of “no-return”, with no way to get it back….

Truthfully it became a living nightmare…

I was losing the part of myself that I loved the most...

And there was no sign of it coming back, no matter what “remedy” I tried.

It was killing my confidence.

Up until that humiliating Sunday, I was able to hide how thin it was from other people with “creative” hair styles and toppers…

But I still knew deep down that I was losing more hair every day.

I dreaded what people would think of me if they really saw it…

… would they see me as old?

… weak?

… unattractive?

I hated waking up and looking at myself in the mirror...

And some days I tried to ignore it…

But after that Sunday morning, I couldn’t take it anymore

Every day I’d see more hair fall out in the shower, in my brush, everywhere….

When I looked back at old pictures, I’d be reminded of how thick, beautiful and luscious my hair used to be…

And for the first time since my hair loss got really bad, I heard what people really thought of me, on one of the few days I wasn't able to hide it.

That’s when I hit my breaking point.

Right then, I decided to fight back against my thinning hair and get back thick, beautiful hair back once and for all…

And I’ll tell you...

It was the best decision of my life, because it sparked…

A desperate struggle with thinning hairthat led to the discovery of an incredible,natural hair growth secret…

… that “kick-started” hair growth and gaveme back thick, beautiful hair like I hadthirty years ago… FAST!

And there was no sign of it coming back, no matter what “remedy” I tried.

It was killing my confidence.

Up until that humiliating Sunday, I was able to hide how thin it was from other people with “creative” hair styles and toppers…

But I still knew deep down that I was losing more hair every day.

I dreaded what people would think of me if they really saw it…

… would they see me as old?

… weak?

… unattractive?

I hated waking up and looking at myself in the mirror...

And some days I tried to ignore it…

“Come on Mom, take off that hat to eat!”

My heart sank…

Although it sounds like a simple request, this was my worst fear that day...

See, I wore a straw sun hat to brunch that day thinking we’d sit outside and I’d get away with it…

But now since we were sitting inside, wearing a hat was out of place and my daughter wanted it off...

And it made me freeze with anxiety...

See, the real reason I wore it was to cover up my thinning hair.

That morning I ran out of clips to tie up my hair and hide my thinning like I usually do…

And I refused to go out in public without concealing my thin hair.

My heart sank…

Although it sounds like a simple request, this was my worst fear that day...

See, I wore a straw sun hat to brunch that day thinking we’d sit outside and I’d get away with it…

But now since we were sitting inside, wearing a hat was out of place and my daughter wanted it off...

And it made me freeze with anxiety...

See, the real reason I wore it was to cover up my thinning hair.

That morning I ran out of clips to tie up my hair and hide my thinning like I usually do…

And I refused to go out in public without concealing my thin hair.

My heart sank…

Although it sounds like a simple request, this was my worst fear that day...

See, I wore a straw sun hat to brunch that day thinking we’d sit outside and I’d get away with it…

But now since we were sitting inside, wearing a hat was out of place and my daughter wanted it off...

And it made me freeze with anxiety...

See, the real reason I wore it was to cover up my thinning hair.

That morning I ran out of clips to tie up my hair and hide my thinning like I usually do…

And I refused to go out in public without concealing my thin hair.

“Mom! Are you sick?!”

And there was no sign of it coming back, no matter what “remedy” I tried.

It was killing my confidence.

Up until that humiliating Sunday, I was able to hide how thin it was from other people with “creative” hair styles and toppers…

But I still knew deep down that I was losing more hair every day.

I dreaded what people would think of me if they really saw it…

… would they see me as old?

… weak?

… unattractive?

I hated waking up and looking at myself in the mirror...

And some days I tried to ignore it…

No, I’m not sick! I’m just losingall of my hair!”

And there was no sign of it coming back, no matter what “remedy” I tried.

It was killing my confidence.

Up until that humiliating Sunday, I was able to hide how thin it was from other people with “creative” hair styles and toppers…

But I still knew deep down that I was losing more hair every day.

I dreaded what people would think of me if they really saw it…

But after that Sunday morning, I couldn’t take it anymore

I knew my thinning hair was bad, but I never knew it looked THIS awful to other people…

And there was no sign of it coming back, no matter what “remedy” I tried.

It was killing my confidence.

Up until that humiliating Sunday, I was able to hide how thin it was from other people with “creative” hair styles and toppers…

But I still knew deep down that I was losing more hair every day.

I dreaded what people would think of me if they really saw it…

… would they see me as old?

… weak?

… unattractive?

I hated waking up and looking at myself in the mirror...

And some days I tried to ignore it…

I was going to find a way to fight back against my thinning hair and get back my thick, beautiful hair for good…

So next time, women half my age would ask “what do you do for your hair?!”

My heart sank…

Although it sounds like a simple request, this was my worst fear that day...

See, I wore a straw sun hat to brunch that day thinking we’d sit outside and I’d get away with it…

But now since we were sitting inside, wearing a hat was out of place and my daughter wanted it off...

And it made me freeze with anxiety...

My heart sank…

Although it sounds like a simple request, this was my worst fear that day...

See, I wore a straw sun hat to brunch that day thinking we’d sit outside and I’d get away with it…

But now since we were sitting inside, wearing a hat was out of place and my daughter wanted it off...

And it made me freeze with anxiety...

But then at a tiny hair salon in “middle ofnowhere” Arkansas, I stumbled upon the secretthat would change my life

And there was no sign of it coming back, no matter what “remedy” I tried.

It was killing my confidence.

Up until that humiliating Sunday, I was able to hide how thin it was from other people with “creative” hair styles and toppers…

But I still knew deep down that I was losing more hair every day.

I dreaded what people would think of me if they really saw it…

But after that Sunday morning, I couldn’t take it anymore

Every day I’d see more hair fall out in the shower, in my brush, everywhere….

When I looked back at old pictures, I’d be reminded of how thick, beautiful and luscious my hair used to be…

And for the first time since my hair loss got really bad, I heard what people really thought of me, on one of the few days I wasn't able to hide it.

That’s when I hit my breaking point.

And there was no sign of it coming back, no matter what “remedy” I tried.

It was killing my confidence.

Up until that humiliating Sunday, I was able to hide how thin it was from other people with “creative” hair styles and toppers…

But I still knew deep down that I was losing more hair every day.

I dreaded what people would think of me if they really saw it…

Every day I’d see more hair fall out in the shower, in my brush, everywhere….

When I looked back at old pictures, I’d be reminded of how thick, beautiful and luscious my hair used to be…

And for the first time since my hair loss got really bad, I heard what people really thought of me, on one of the few days I wasn't able to hide it.

Every day I’d see more hair fall out in the shower, in my brush, everywhere….

When I looked back at old pictures, I’d be reminded of how thick, beautiful and luscious my hair used to be…

And for the first time since my hair loss got really bad, I heard what people really thought of me, on one of the few days I wasn't able to hide it.

I was on the edge of my seat…

Who was this man, what was this remedy?

“You need to call a man named Jack Locke and ask for his “Root Reactivation” secret”

“It gave me my hair back, and I think it’ll do the same for you”

“He’s pretty secretive about it, but it will change your life”

The stylist got back her thick, gorgeoushair when she discovered the “RootReactivation” secret...

And there was no sign of it coming back, no matter what “remedy” I tried.

It was killing my confidence.

Up until that humiliating Sunday, I was able to hide how thin it was from other people with “creative” hair styles and toppers…

But I still knew deep down that I was losing more hair every day.

I dreaded what people would think of me if they really saw it…

Every day I’d see more hair fall out in the shower, in my brush, everywhere….

When I looked back at old pictures, I’d be reminded of how thick, beautiful and luscious my hair used to be…

And for the first time since my hair loss got really bad, I heard what people really thought of me, on one of the few days I wasn't able to hide it.

I was on the edge of my seat…

Who was this man, what was this remedy?

“You need to call a man named Jack Locke and ask for his “Root Reactivation” secret”

“It gave me my hair back, and I think it’ll do the same for you”

“He’s pretty secretive about it, but it will change your life”

Every day I’d see more hair fall out in the shower, in my brush, everywhere….

When I looked back at old pictures, I’d be reminded of how thick, beautiful and luscious my hair used to be…

And for the first time since my hair loss got really bad, I heard what people really thought of me, on one of the few days I wasn't able to hide it.

My heart sank…

Although it sounds like a simple request, this was my worst fear that day...

See, I wore a straw sun hat to brunch that day thinking we’d sit outside and I’d get away with it…

But now since we were sitting inside, wearing a hat was out of place and my daughter wanted it off...

And it made me freeze with anxiety...

My heart sank…

Although it sounds like a simple request, this was my worst fear that day...

See, I wore a straw sun hat to brunch that day thinking we’d sit outside and I’d get away with it…

But now since we were sitting inside, wearing a hat was out of place and my daughter wanted it off...

And it made me freeze with anxiety...

My heart sank…

Although it sounds like a simple request, this was my worst fear that day...

See, I wore a straw sun hat to brunch that day thinking we’d sit outside and I’d get away with it…

But now since we were sitting inside, wearing a hat was out of place and my daughter wanted it off...

And it made me freeze with anxiety...

My heart sank…

Although it sounds like a simple request, this was my worst fear that day...

See, I wore a straw sun hat to brunch that day thinking we’d sit outside and I’d get away with it…

But now since we were sitting inside, wearing a hat was out of place and my daughter wanted it off...

And it made me freeze with anxiety...

If he could just find a way to wake up sleepingfollicles, hair growth could be restored,

giving women back thicker, fuller, moreyouthful hair than ever

And there was no sign of it coming back, no matter what “remedy” I tried.

It was killing my confidence.

Up until that humiliating Sunday, I was able to hide how thin it was from other people with “creative” hair styles and toppers…

But I still knew deep down that I was losing more hair every day.

I dreaded what people would think of me if they really saw it…

But after that Sunday morning, I couldn’t take it anymore

Every day I’d see more hair fall out in the shower, in my brush, everywhere….

When I looked back at old pictures, I’d be reminded of how thick, beautiful and luscious my hair used to be…

And for the first time since my hair loss got really bad, I heard what people really thought of me, on one of the few days I wasn't able to hide it.

That’s when I hit my breaking point.

And there was no sign of it coming back, no matter what “remedy” I tried.

It was killing my confidence.

Up until that humiliating Sunday, I was able to hide how thin it was from other people with “creative” hair styles and toppers…

But I still knew deep down that I was losing more hair every day.

I dreaded what people would think of me if they really saw it…

But after that Sunday morning, I couldn’t take it anymore

Every day I’d see more hair fall out in the shower, in my brush, everywhere….

When I looked back at old pictures, I’d be reminded of how thick, beautiful and luscious my hair used to be…

And for the first time since my hair loss got really bad, I heard what people really thought of me, on one of the few days I wasn't able to hide it.

That’s when I hit my breaking point.

And there was no sign of it coming back, no matter what “remedy” I tried.

It was killing my confidence.

Up until that humiliating Sunday, I was able to hide how thin it was from other people with “creative” hair styles and toppers…

But I still knew deep down that I was losing more hair every day.

I dreaded what people would think of me if they really saw it…

Every day I’d see more hair fall out in the shower, in my brush, everywhere….

When I looked back at old pictures, I’d be reminded of how thick, beautiful and luscious my hair used to be…

And for the first time since my hair loss got really bad, I heard what people really thought of me, on one of the few days I wasn't able to hide it.

Every day I’d see more hair fall out in the shower, in my brush, everywhere….

When I looked back at old pictures, I’d be reminded of how thick, beautiful and luscious my hair used to be…

And for the first time since my hair loss got really bad, I heard what people really thought of me, on one of the few days I wasn't able to hide it.

In other words, it’s like everything you need to do to finally kick-start hair growth to restore thicker, fuller hair, except… there’s nothing out there that does it.

But there’s hope...

Jack discovered a natural way to “upregulate” these genes and send hair growth signals to sleeping follicles…

You simply use the “Root Reactivation”secret and watch hair come back looking asthick and full as it used to be!

And there was no sign of it coming back, no matter what “remedy” I tried.

It was killing my confidence.

Up until that humiliating Sunday, I was able to hide how thin it was from other people with “creative” hair styles and toppers…

But I still knew deep down that I was losing more hair every day.

I dreaded what people would think of me if they really saw it…

But after that Sunday morning, I couldn’t take it anymore

Every day I’d see more hair fall out in the shower, in my brush, everywhere….

When I looked back at old pictures, I’d be reminded of how thick, beautiful and luscious my hair used to be…

And for the first time since my hair loss got really bad, I heard what people really thought of me, on one of the few days I wasn't able to hide it.

That’s when I hit my breaking point.

In other words, it’s like everything you need to do to finally kick-start hair growth to restore thicker, fuller hair, except… there’s nothing out there that does it.

But there’s hope...

Jack discovered a natural way to “upregulate” these genes and send hair growth signals to sleeping follicles…

And there was no sign of it coming back, no matter what “remedy” I tried.

It was killing my confidence.

Up until that humiliating Sunday, I was able to hide how thin it was from other people with “creative” hair styles and toppers…

But I still knew deep down that I was losing more hair every day.

I dreaded what people would think of me if they really saw it…

You’ve got to find the correct version of itand extract the liquid from it in the right way, if you want to “wake up” sleeping follicles and watch thicker, fuller hair come back in droves!

My heart sank…

Although it sounds like a simple request, this was my worst fear that day...

See, I wore a straw sun hat to brunch that day thinking we’d sit outside and I’d get away with it…

But now since we were sitting inside, wearing a hat was out of place and my daughter wanted it off...

And it made me freeze with anxiety...

  • Specifically formulated to stop black hair loss hair loss triggered by illness, surgery, menopause, weight changes, hormonal shifts, post-partum, pregnancy, or stress

  • Specifically formulated to stop black hair loss hair loss triggered by illness, surgery, menopause, weight changes, hormonal shifts, post-partum, pregnancy, or stress

  • Specifically formulated to stop black hair loss hair loss triggered by illness, surgery, menopause, weight changes, hormonal shifts, post-partum, pregnancy, or stress

  • Specifically formulated to stop black hair loss hair loss triggered by illness, surgery, menopause, weight changes, hormonal shifts, post-partum, pregnancy, or stress

My heart sank…

Although it sounds like a simple request, this was my worst fear that day...

See, I wore a straw sun hat to brunch that day thinking we’d sit outside and I’d get away with it…

But now since we were sitting inside, wearing a hat was out of place and my daughter wanted it off...

And it made me freeze with anxiety...

My heart sank…

Although it sounds like a simple request, this was my worst fear that day...

See, I wore a straw sun hat to brunch that day thinking we’d sit outside and I’d get away with it…

But now since we were sitting inside, wearing a hat was out of place and my daughter wanted it off...

And it made me freeze with anxiety...

But after that Sunday morning, I couldn’t take it anymore

Every day I’d see more hair fall out in the shower, in my brush, everywhere….

When I looked back at old pictures, I’d be reminded of how thick, beautiful and luscious my hair used to be…

And for the first time since my hair loss got really bad, I heard what people really thought of me, on one of the few days I wasn't able to hide it.

That’s when I hit my breaking point.

And there was no sign of it coming back, no matter what “remedy” I tried.

It was killing my confidence.

Up until that humiliating Sunday, I was able to hide how thin it was from other people with “creative” hair styles and toppers…

But I still knew deep down that I was losing more hair every day.

I dreaded what people would think of me if they really saw it…

But after that Sunday morning, I couldn’t take it anymore

Every day I’d see more hair fall out in the shower, in my brush, everywhere….

When I looked back at old pictures, I’d be reminded of how thick, beautiful and luscious my hair used to be…

And for the first time since my hair loss got really bad, I heard what people really thought of me, on one of the few days I wasn't able to hide it.

That’s when I hit my breaking point.

And there was no sign of it coming back, no matter what “remedy” I tried.

It was killing my confidence.

Up until that humiliating Sunday, I was able to hide how thin it was from other people with “creative” hair styles and toppers…

But I still knew deep down that I was losing more hair every day.

I dreaded what people would think of me if they really saw it…

But after that Sunday morning, I couldn’t take it anymore

Every day I’d see more hair fall out in the shower, in my brush, everywhere….

When I looked back at old pictures, I’d be reminded of how thick, beautiful and luscious my hair used to be…

And for the first time since my hair loss got really bad, I heard what people really thought of me, on one of the few days I wasn't able to hide it.

That’s when I hit my breaking point.

My heart sank…

Although it sounds like a simple request, this was my worst fear that day...

See, I wore a straw sun hat to brunch that day thinking we’d sit outside and I’d get away with it…

But now since we were sitting inside, wearing a hat was out of place and my daughter wanted it off...

And it made me freeze with anxiety...

My heart sank…

Although it sounds like a simple request, this was my worst fear that day...

See, I wore a straw sun hat to brunch that day thinking we’d sit outside and I’d get away with it…

But now since we were sitting inside, wearing a hat was out of place and my daughter wanted it off...

And it made me freeze with anxiety...

I’m not a special case or one-off…

Women around the country are seeing thesame wonderful thicker hair results I have!

And there was no sign of it coming back, no matter what “remedy” I tried.

It was killing my confidence.

Up until that humiliating Sunday, I was able to hide how thin it was from other people with “creative” hair styles and toppers…

But I still knew deep down that I was losing more hair every day.

I dreaded what people would think of me if they really saw it…

The “Root Reactivation” breakthrough is backed by rigorous scientific evidence

But after that Sunday morning, I couldn’t take it anymore

Every day I’d see more hair fall out in the shower, in my brush, everywhere….

When I looked back at old pictures, I’d be reminded of how thick, beautiful and luscious my hair used to be…

And for the first time since my hair loss got really bad, I heard what people really thought of me, on one of the few days I wasn't able to hide it.

That’s when I hit my breaking point.

And there was no sign of it coming back, no matter what “remedy” I tried.

It was killing my confidence.

Up until that humiliating Sunday, I was able to hide how thin it was from other people with “creative” hair styles and toppers…

But I still knew deep down that I was losing more hair every day.

I dreaded what people would think of me if they really saw it…

But after that Sunday morning, I couldn’t take it anymore

Every day I’d see more hair fall out in the shower, in my brush, everywhere….

When I looked back at old pictures, I’d be reminded of how thick, beautiful and luscious my hair used to be…

And for the first time since my hair loss got really bad, I heard what people really thought of me, on one of the few days I wasn't able to hide it.

That’s when I hit my breaking point.

But after that Sunday morning, I couldn’t take it anymore

Every day I’d see more hair fall out in the shower, in my brush, everywhere….

When I looked back at old pictures, I’d be reminded of how thick, beautiful and luscious my hair used to be…

And for the first time since my hair loss got really bad, I heard what people really thought of me, on one of the few days I wasn't able to hide it.

That’s when I hit my breaking point.

In other words, it’s like everything you need to do to finally kick-start hair growth to restore thicker, fuller hair, except… there’s nothing out there that does it.

But there’s hope...

Jack discovered a natural way to “upregulate” these genes and send hair growth signals to sleeping follicles…

Thousands of womens just like you havegotten the thicker, fuller, beautiful hairthey truly love...

Without harsh


Without harsh


Without harsh


And there was no sign of it coming back, no matter what “remedy” I tried.

It was killing my confidence.

Up until that humiliating Sunday, I was able to hide how thin it was from other people with “creative” hair styles and toppers…

But I still knew deep down that I was losing more hair every day.

I dreaded what people would think of me if they really saw it…

“At first I was skeptical, I didn’t think that this could work for me. But, after trying it for 30 days, I started to see baby hairs come back! Even my hair stylist was amazed at the results and now she uses the secret too”

These were my results at 30 days... I saw my part filling in and

baby hairs coming back

These were my results at 30 days... I saw my part filling in and

baby hairs coming back

And there was Debbie, a former chemotherapy patient who lost her hair in vicious chemotherapy and swears by this secret. Here’s what she said:

“At first I was skeptical, I didn’t think that this could work for me. But, after trying it for 30 days, I started to see baby hairs come back! Even my hair stylist was amazed at the results and now she uses the secret too”

These were my results at 30 days... I saw my part filling in and

baby hairs coming back

These were my results at 30 days... I saw my part filling in and

baby hairs coming back

And there was Debbie, a former chemotherapy patient who lost her hair in vicious chemotherapy and swears by this secret. Here’s what she said:

“At first I was skeptical, I didn’t think that this could work for me. But, after trying it for 30 days, I started to see baby hairs come back! Even my hair stylist was amazed at the results and now she uses the secret too”

These were my results at 30 days... I saw my part filling in and

baby hairs coming back

And there was Debbie, a former chemotherapy patient who lost her hair in vicious chemotherapy and swears by this secret. Here’s what she said:

“At first I was skeptical, I didn’t think that this could work for me. But, after trying it for 30 days, I started to see baby hairs come back! Even my hair stylist was amazed at the results and now she uses the secret too”

These were my results at 30 days... I saw my part filling in and

baby hairs coming back

And there was Debbie, a former chemotherapy patient who lost her hair in vicious chemotherapy and swears by this secret. Here’s what she said:

“At first I was skeptical, I didn’t think that this could work for me. But, after trying it for 30 days, I started to see baby hairs come back! Even my hair stylist was amazed at the results and now she uses the secret too”

These were my results at 30 days... I saw my part filling in and

baby hairs coming back

And there was Debbie, a former chemotherapy patient who lost her hair in vicious chemotherapy and swears by this secret. Here’s what she said:

“At first I was skeptical, I didn’t think that this could work for me. But, after trying it for 30 days, I started to see baby hairs come back! Even my hair stylist was amazed at the results and now she uses the secret too”

These were my results at 30 days... I saw my part filling in and

baby hairs coming back

And there was no sign of it coming back, no matter what “remedy” I tried.

It was killing my confidence.

Up until that humiliating Sunday, I was able to hide how thin it was from other people with “creative” hair styles and toppers…

But I still knew deep down that I was losing more hair every day.

I dreaded what people would think of me if they really saw it…

And there was no sign of it coming back, no matter what “remedy” I tried.

It was killing my confidence.

Up until that humiliating Sunday, I was able to hide how thin it was from other people with “creative” hair styles and toppers…

But I still knew deep down that I was losing more hair every day.

I dreaded what people would think of me if they really saw it…

But after that Sunday morning, I couldn’t take it anymore

Every day I’d see more hair fall out in the shower, in my brush, everywhere….

When I looked back at old pictures, I’d be reminded of how thick, beautiful and luscious my hair used to be…

And for the first time since my hair loss got really bad, I heard what people really thought of me, on one of the few days I wasn't able to hide it.

That’s when I hit my breaking point.

My heart sank…

Although it sounds like a simple request, this was my worst fear that day...

See, I wore a straw sun hat to brunch that day thinking we’d sit outside and I’d get away with it…

But now since we were sitting inside, wearing a hat was out of place and my daughter wanted it off...

And it made me freeze with anxiety...

Without harsh


Without harsh


Without harsh


Without harsh


And there was no sign of it coming back, no matter what “remedy” I tried.

It was killing my confidence.

Up until that humiliating Sunday, I was able to hide how thin it was from other people with “creative” hair styles and toppers…

But after that Sunday morning, I couldn’t take it anymore

Every day I’d see more hair fall out in the shower, in my brush, everywhere….

When I looked back at old pictures, I’d be reminded of how thick, beautiful and luscious my hair used to be…

And for the first time since my hair loss got really bad, I heard what people really thought of me, on one of the few days I wasn't able to hide it.

That’s when I hit my breaking point.

But after that Sunday morning, I couldn’t take it anymore

And there was no sign of it coming back, no matter what “remedy” I tried.

It was killing my confidence.

Up until that humiliating Sunday, I was able to hide how thin it was from other people with “creative” hair styles and toppers…

The “Root Reactivation” secret is the amazing foundation of a hair growth serum packedwith FIVE more hair revitalizing nutrients

But after that Sunday morning, I couldn’t take it anymore

Every day I’d see more hair fall out in the shower, in my brush, everywhere….

When I looked back at old pictures, I’d be reminded of how thick, beautiful and luscious my hair used to be…

And for the first time since my hair loss got really bad, I heard what people really thought of me, on one of the few days I wasn't able to hide it.

That’s when I hit my breaking point.

And there was no sign of it coming back, no matter what “remedy” I tried.

It was killing my confidence.

Up until that humiliating Sunday, I was able to hide how thin it was from other people with “creative” hair styles and toppers…

But I still knew deep down that I was losing more hair every day.

I dreaded what people would think of me if they really saw it…

The first incredible bonus ingredient is one of my favorites

It kick-starts hair growth while reducing hair loss at the same time!

But after that Sunday morning, I couldn’t take it anymore

Every day I’d see more hair fall out in the shower, in my brush, everywhere….

When I looked back at old pictures, I’d be reminded of how thick, beautiful and luscious my hair used to be…

And for the first time since my hair loss got really bad, I heard what people really thought of me, on one of the few days I wasn't able to hide it.

That’s when I hit my breaking point.

But after that Sunday morning, I couldn’t take it anymore

Every day I’d see more hair fall out in the shower, in my brush, everywhere….

When I looked back at old pictures, I’d be reminded of how thick, beautiful and luscious my hair used to be…

And for the first time since my hair loss got really bad, I heard what people really thought of me, on one of the few days I wasn't able to hide it.

That’s when I hit my breaking point.

But after that Sunday morning, I couldn’t take it anymore

Every day I’d see more hair fall out in the shower, in my brush, everywhere….

When I looked back at old pictures, I’d be reminded of how thick, beautiful and luscious my hair used to be…

And for the first time since my hair loss got really bad, I heard what people really thought of me, on one of the few days I wasn't able to hide it.

That’s when I hit my breaking point.

And there was no sign of it coming back, no matter what “remedy” I tried.

It was killing my confidence.

Up until that humiliating Sunday, I was able to hide how thin it was from other people with “creative” hair styles and toppers…

But I still knew deep down that I was losing more hair every day.

I dreaded what people would think of me if they really saw it…

The second powerful nutrient is crucial to hairgrowth, a “building-block” to having thick,beautiful hair...

Your hair needs this to reach its growth potential

My heart sank…

Although it sounds like a simple request, this was my worst fear that day...

See, I wore a straw sun hat to brunch that day thinking we’d sit outside and I’d get away with it…

But now since we were sitting inside, wearing a hat was out of place and my daughter wanted it off...

And it made me freeze with anxiety...

My heart sank…

Although it sounds like a simple request, this was my worst fear that day...

See, I wore a straw sun hat to brunch that day thinking we’d sit outside and I’d get away with it…

But now since we were sitting inside, wearing a hat was out of place and my daughter wanted it off...

And it made me freeze with anxiety...

My heart sank…

Although it sounds like a simple request, this was my worst fear that day...

See, I wore a straw sun hat to brunch that day thinking we’d sit outside and I’d get away with it…

But now since we were sitting inside, wearing a hat was out of place and my daughter wanted it off...

And it made me freeze with anxiety...

The third bonus “Root Reactivating” nutrientacts as a “protector” for your new hair

And there was no sign of it coming back, no matter what “remedy” I tried.

It was killing my confidence.

Up until that humiliating Sunday, I was able to hide how thin it was from other people with “creative” hair styles and toppers…

But I still knew deep down that I was losing more hair every day.

I dreaded what people would think of me if they really saw it…

But after that Sunday morning, I couldn’t take it anymore

Every day I’d see more hair fall out in the shower, in my brush, everywhere….

When I looked back at old pictures, I’d be reminded of how thick, beautiful and luscious my hair used to be…

And for the first time since my hair loss got really bad, I heard what people really thought of me, on one of the few days I wasn't able to hide it.

That’s when I hit my breaking point.

And there was no sign of it coming back, no matter what “remedy” I tried.

It was killing my confidence.

Up until that humiliating Sunday, I was able to hide how thin it was from other people with “creative” hair styles and toppers…

But I still knew deep down that I was losing more hair every day.

I dreaded what people would think of me if they really saw it…

The “Root Reactivation” secret is the amazing foundation of a hair growth serum packedwith FIVE more hair revitalizing nutrients

But after that Sunday morning, I couldn’t take it anymore

Every day I’d see more hair fall out in the shower, in my brush, everywhere….

When I looked back at old pictures, I’d be reminded of how thick, beautiful and luscious my hair used to be…

And for the first time since my hair loss got really bad, I heard what people really thought of me, on one of the few days I wasn't able to hide it.

That’s when I hit my breaking point.

And there was no sign of it coming back, no matter what “remedy” I tried.

It was killing my confidence.

Up until that humiliating Sunday, I was able to hide how thin it was from other people with “creative” hair styles and toppers…

But I still knew deep down that I was losing more hair every day.

I dreaded what people would think of me if they really saw it…

The fifth bonus “Root Reactivating” ingredientnot only helps with hair growth but ensuresyour hair smells amazing!

But after that Sunday morning, I couldn’t take it anymore

Every day I’d see more hair fall out in the shower, in my brush, everywhere….

When I looked back at old pictures, I’d be reminded of how thick, beautiful and luscious my hair used to be…

And for the first time since my hair loss got really bad, I heard what people really thought of me, on one of the few days I wasn't able to hide it.

That’s when I hit my breaking point.

And there was no sign of it coming back, no matter what “remedy” I tried.

It was killing my confidence.

Up until that humiliating Sunday, I was able to hide how thin it was from other people with “creative” hair styles and toppers…

But I still knew deep down that I was losing more hair every day.

I dreaded what people would think of me if they really saw it…

But after that Sunday morning, I couldn’t take it anymore

Every day I’d see more hair fall out in the shower, in my brush, everywhere….

When I looked back at old pictures, I’d be reminded of how thick, beautiful and luscious my hair used to be…

And for the first time since my hair loss got really bad, I heard what people really thought of me, on one of the few days I wasn't able to hide it.

That’s when I hit my breaking point.

And there was no sign of it coming back, no matter what “remedy” I tried.

It was killing my confidence.

Up until that humiliating Sunday, I was able to hide how thin it was from other people with “creative” hair styles and toppers…

But I still knew deep down that I was losing more hair every day.

I dreaded what people would think of me if they really saw it…

But after that Sunday morning, I couldn’t take it anymore

Every day I’d see more hair fall out in the shower, in my brush, everywhere….

When I looked back at old pictures, I’d be reminded of how thick, beautiful and luscious my hair used to be…

And for the first time since my hair loss got really bad, I heard what people really thought of me, on one of the few days I wasn't able to hide it.

That’s when I hit my breaking point.

The second powerful nutrient is crucial to hairgrowth, a “building-block” to having thick,beautiful hair...

Your hair needs this to reach its growth potential

My heart sank…

Although it sounds like a simple request, this was my worst fear that day...

See, I wore a straw sun hat to brunch that day thinking we’d sit outside and I’d get away with it…

But now since we were sitting inside, wearing a hat was out of place and my daughter wanted it off...

And it made me freeze with anxiety...

My heart sank…

Although it sounds like a simple request, this was my worst fear that day...

See, I wore a straw sun hat to brunch that day thinking we’d sit outside and I’d get away with it…

But now since we were sitting inside, wearing a hat was out of place and my daughter wanted it off...

And it made me freeze with anxiety...

My heart sank…

Although it sounds like a simple request, this was my worst fear that day...

See, I wore a straw sun hat to brunch that day thinking we’d sit outside and I’d get away with it…

But now since we were sitting inside, wearing a hat was out of place and my daughter wanted it off...

And it made me freeze with anxiety...

The third bonus “Root Reactivating” nutrientacts as a “protector” for your new hair

My heart sank…

Although it sounds like a simple request, this was my worst fear that day...

See, I wore a straw sun hat to brunch that day thinking we’d sit outside and I’d get away with it…

But now since we were sitting inside, wearing a hat was out of place and my daughter wanted it off...

And it made me freeze with anxiety...

My heart sank…

Although it sounds like a simple request, this was my worst fear that day...

See, I wore a straw sun hat to brunch that day thinking we’d sit outside and I’d get away with it…

But now since we were sitting inside, wearing a hat was out of place and my daughter wanted it off...

And it made me freeze with anxiety...

Allurium Beauty's

120 Day “Bottom of The Bottle” Guarantee

Smaller Bald Spots, Thicker Edges and Less Breakage In 4 Months…Or Get Your Money Back

We’re so confident in the effectiveness of Allurium Hair Growth Serum when it comes to stopping hair from thinning and falling out….

And encouraging the growth of new, thick, dense hair…

That we are offering you our Allurium Hair Growth Serum, 120 Day "Bottom of The Bottle" Guarantee.

By the end of month 4, if you consistently use the easy-to-apply dropper once a day, massage it in and still don't see hair growth or less breakage...

We will send you a hassle-free refund with zero questions asked. You can even keep the rest of your supply at our expense. Your purchase is guaranteed up to 120 days from purchase date.

Try Allurium Hair Growth Serum Risk-Free Today To Say Goodbye To Hair Loss Forever! 

Frequently Asked Questions

How Many Bottles Should I Buy? 

We recommend you buy 4 bottles (120 Day Supply) because not only will you save the most money and get the best results but you'll also never have to worry about us going out of stock

See, we only use the highest quality ingredients and as a result we often experience an ingredient shortage and have sold out 9 times this year. 

Once our sisters see and feel the difference our product makes in their hair and self-confidence... they never want to risk being stuck without this breakthrough hair loss reversing formula. 

That's why we recommend you buy 4 bottles. So you and your hair will be protected from future out of stocks and get the best results possible!

Is This Black Owned?

Yes! Allurium Beauty & Allurium Hair Growth Serum is 100% Black Owned

Will this really work for me? Is it A Scam? 

We 100% believe this is the BEST product on the market for black women to reverse severe hair loss and grow thicker, longer, healthier hair. 

We are so confident in that we offer a 120-day 100% money back guarantee if it doesn't work for you. 

Take a look at these women who used our product and saw amazing results, this is not a scam. 

Click here to see real testimonials from real women

When can I experience results from Allurium Hair Growth Serum?

Everyone’s body is unique so individual results may vary. While some customers started seeing hair growth at 2 the week mark, it typically takes up to 90-180 days to see noticeable overall growth. 

This is why we recommend trying Allurium Hair Growth Serum for 90-180 days to experience the full benefits. 

Does Allurium Hair Growth Serum Have Any Side Effects?

Allurium Hair Growth Serum is not known to have any major side effects and it is made using high quality, natural ingredients.

Because of its high potency, some customers may occasionally experience mild itchiness of their scalp. This is commonly caused by an increase in blood flow to the applies areas by peppermint oil (which is a good thing). 

But if you experience adverse effects, please stop consumption and consult a doctor.

*Allurium Beauty LLC is not responsible for any negative effects you may experience from using this product. Please see our terms and conditions to learn more. 

When Can I Expect Shipment Of My Order? 

Your Allurium Hair Growth Serum order will be sent out from our shipment center in Georgia, USA.

Orders are usually delivered in 2 to 5 business days for orders within the US.

You will also receive an email receipt and confirmation from us in your email inbox.

If you have any questions you can email us here

How Long Will One Bottle Last? 

One bottle will last you about 30 days! The best results come from uninterrupted use so recommend you stock up on more than one bottle and even three so you can keep going even when one runs out you can keep going!

What Are The Ingredients? Is It All Natural? 

Allurium Hair Growth Serum is ALL NATURAL! There are NO chemicals in our Allurium Hair Growth Serum.

Hemp seed oil, Carrot Oil, Chebe, Alma, Castor Oil, Tea Tree, Bhringraj, Stinging Nettle, Peppermint, Mustard Seed, Sesame Oil, Basil, Argon Aloe, Garlic Seed, Onion Seed, Almond Oil, Pygeum, Biotin, Chili Oil, Olive Oil, Ginkgo Biloba, Black Tea, Neem, Aritha, Calendula, Chamomile, Dandelion, Ginseng, Fenugreek, Ginger Root Oil, Horsetail, Rosemary, Sage, Tyme, and Tulsail.

What If I Don't See Growth? What If This Doesn't Work For Me? 

We truly believe we have some of the best products in the world. If you don't have a positive experience for ANY reason, we will do WHATEVER it takes to make sure you are 100% satisfied with your purchase. Buying items online can be a daunting task, so we want you to realize that there is absolutely ZERO risk in buying something and trying it out. If you don't like it, no hard feelings you can return it for a full refund within 120 days. 

If you have any questions you can email us here

Join 75,255+ women using Allurium Beauty every month to stop their hair loss and thinning, quickly, easily, and naturally